Rooted in the Early Years Eco-System

Group of adults in front of LEAP banner
  • There are already amazing early years services in Lambeth 
  • First 5 Lambeth is drawing from the early years community, making sure that we’re adding value 
  • We’re reaching out to local partners in a number of ways

Lambeth is teaming with a plethora of early years support and activities. If we depicted this on a map, you’d see a dense concentration of dots. Our consortium is but a small part of all the amazing work going on to nurture families and their little ones.

There are a few issues though. How many of these dots are competing against each other for space, time, money and people? Are families missing out on support they don’t know about? Could we be learning and improving more effectively through a collaborative approach? Could other local organisations get involved through offering funding, venues or expertise?

It’s time to join the dots. We are seeking out opportunities to partner with others under a shared vision to develop and deliver our consortium. At First 5 Lambeth we are completely committed to collaborative working, not just with our members, but within the wider Lambeth Early Years ecosystem.

Powered by local knowledge

We have strived to be inclusive right from the off. We’ve consulted with children’s centres, community groups, charities, local councillors and the local authority to discuss the need for the consortium and how it could add value.

Our working group consisted of community stakeholders, including a parent representative. They led the consultation process and are now part of the steering group who oversee the consortium. 

Reaching out to the community

First 5 Lambeth held a big launch party on 29th June 2023. 

This wasn’t to blow our own trumpet. We wanted to be visible within the wider community, and invite stakeholders to partner with us.

Successful partnerships must be flexible. There is no one-fits-all template. That’s why we offer lots of different ways to get involved:

  • Fund/commission our development or delivery 
  • Offer space for us to deliver services and support for families
  • Join with us on future funding applications 
  • Help shape our work with your expertise and experience
  • Collaborate on the development and delivery of services and support
  • Signpost families to our offers 
  • Promote our work to those in your networks
  • Express your interest in joining as a core member in the future
Group of children digging

The launch was a big success. Many of the stakeholders pledged to partner with First 5 Lambeth. Together we’ll give early years children and their families a better start in life.