Brixton Wings in 5!

Member Spotlight - Brixton Wings

Developed by local parents in 2010, Brixton Wings is a Lambeth based charity supporting children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, by providing accessible learning and training opportunities. 

Through the Lambeth Early Action programme (LEAP) of work, Brixton Wings received seed funding and support in 2021 to explore and expand their local offer, with a focus on supporting local families with children 0-3. 

After successfully trialling a series of weekly structured sessions which promoted social and emotional wellbeing through the medium of music and storytelling, Brixton Wings remain committed to working in partnership with other First Five Consortium members and supporting young children living in Lambeth. 

We ask Program Manager, Medg Sullivan, 5 questions to learn more about the work of Brixton Wings and their involvement in First Five Lambeth. 

Medg, what is the best thing about the work that your organisation does?

We make a positive impact on the lived experiences of the young people and families we support.

What have you achieved through your work that you are most proud about?

It’s so rewarding to work with children from a young age, and then to see so many who go on to be the first in their family to go to university or advance to 3rd level education.

How would you describe your work in 3 words?

Unique, insightful, and impactful.

How can parents and carers with young children get involved or most benefit with your work?

Reach out, come visit our centre – all are welcome! We are based at Unit 4 Fairfax House, Overton Road, Brixton, London, SW9 7JR. For interested parents and caregivers, please dointroduce yourself and your child/children.

What have you most enjoyed about being a First 5 Lambeth member?

Working with the other First 5 Lambeth members is great. we all understand the bigger picture of small groups, and their important role for making a difference locally.